Thursday, January 31, 2008

Training Camp

It was a rough weekend at the office. Originally our plans were to head to Camarillo for camp. Unfortunately, our accomadations fell thru at the last minute. Everyone was bummed, but the weather was looking dodgey so we viewed it as a blessing in disguise. On top of that a few of the guys were sick; they needed rest more than miles!

Friday: Dana, Skyler, and I headed down the coast for some climbs of Mt Soledad. The 3 ascents were tough and Dana was killing us! Sky headed home early for much needed rest-he was on the tail end of a bad cold. Dana and I got in a few extra miles.

Saturday: Marc, Zack, Jose, and I joined the Swamis ride for a good workout. Loic, our Belgian guest, joined us as well. Zack did the short loop; he was fighting a cold too. Marc, Jose, Loic, and I got in some great training-it was a fast ride. Skyler slept til 3pm (WHOA!) in an effort to feel better. Dana woke up with a sore knee and needed the day off. We got together that night for a movie ("I am Legend" pirated straight from China!!!) and some pasta. It was a good time hanging out.

Sunday: The general consensus was to skip the CBR Crit since the weather was looking bad. I did a few hours on my TT bike. We got together over at Skyler's for another zombie movie ("28 Months Later"). Skyler and Zack seemed better, but Dana's knee was still sore. Skipping the crit was good-it was cancelled due to a flooded course!

It was a great week of training for me and the team was looking good. We're all looking forward to the season getting into full swing in a few weeks.

Chris Daggs

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